Wreck Bag Mile Run programmed into Wodapalooza 2018

Wreck Bag has been chosen to up the running game at the 2018 Wodapalooza Fitness Festival. The Wreck Bag Mile Run was first implemented at CrossFit New England’s 10-year anniversary celebration, where a group of CrossFit warriors came out in 20-degree weather to accept the challenge. The Wreck Bag Mile Run will now be an ongoing challenge at CFNE and other Boxes around the country. 
More exciting news from Wreck Bag for 2018 is the launch of the 100lb and 140lb Wreck Bag beasts, co-developed with Ben Bergeron. Wreck Bag is the Official Bag of Bergeron’s CompTrain and will be implemented in several WODs throughout the year. On another note, exiting 2017, Wreck Bag reclaimed the “Best OCR Training Tool” by MudRun Guide for the 3rd year in a row. We are honored and grateful to be recognized by this awesome OCR community, thank you!
Stay tuned for more news from Wreck Bag in 2018 by regularly visiting our blog page and by signing up for our newsletter. 

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